On New Year’s Eve, fan favorite Stones Throw closed an amazing 2006 by posting a free album in tandem with Talib Kweli’s Blacksmith Music Label.
The album, a collaboration between Kweli and mystery achiever Madlib, is called Liberation. Kweli has talked up the nine-track EP-length set on his MySpace page for months. As recently as December 5, he wrote, “So I know I know, I said Liberation will be out in November. I like to be a man of my word and believe me, I really tried! There are just politics with putting out a free album that I wasn’t ready for. Everyone has to be on the same page, and I got a lot of business on my plate right now.” But all’s well that ends well.
Liberation, which can be downloaded for free here (with additional artwork) and here is, in Kweli’s words, “a straight ahead, sample driven hiphop record, from two of the best doing it.” It marks his second underground release following the Blacksmith: The Movement mixtape in November. His new album, Eardrum, was scheduled for release last fall; it is now tentatively set for February. Meanwhile Madlib is working on a new Madvillain collabo with MF Doom.