Inauguration special: Hip hop songs for Obama


Here is a collection of songs inspired by yesterday’s inauguration of President Barack Obama. It’s a follow-up to my post from last November collecting hip hop themed Obama songs. Thankfully — save for Jay-Z and Jeezy’s celebratory “My President Is Black” track, which is included here — most of the artists ask tough questions about whether President Obama can live up to expectations.

This folder includes joints from Mr. Lif, Busdriver and Flying Lotus (it seems every MP3 collection I make has a Flying Lotus track), Pep Love, Saul Williams, Finale, Junk Science and, just for kicks, a bizarre number from Mr. SOS (best known for his association with Cunninlynguists) that turns “A Milli” into “Obama.” They were collected from various sources, including MySpace pages, direct links and blogs such as and


Download: Obama inauguration tracks

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